The TV series that portray to Jackie Chan's actual work. Jackie Chan Adventures stared by the cartoon image of Jackie Chan, who is an archaeologist, martial expert and reluctant secret agent in the series with the help of his niece Jade and his grumpy old uncle, his old friend Captain Black, as the all character has a mission saving the world from all evil forces. Later seasons included other supporting characters that comprised the world-saving "J-Team". He often works for the spy group Section 13 against the criminal organization 'The Dark Hand' and various evil and supernatural forces.
The first season involved the pursuit of 12 magical talismans, Containing different powers, to stop the Dark Hand for their plan to free the trapped dragon,shendu,from his prison of stone, and to defeat Jackie and let them destroy the all Asia, but more prominently involved Jackie Chan's pursuit of other magic items. While he travels around the world, Jackie lives in San Francisco, California, where both Section 13 and Uncle's Antique Shop are located. Note Jackie's adventure suit changed colors.In season one the color was beige and khaki. Season 2-5 it was just khaki.
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I like this cartoon series. Used to watch this show on tv.
jackie chan and freinds at asia star
Jackie Chan
Jay Chou
Jet Li
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